An easy way to see how referral traffic is performing, segmented for common 3rd party referrers like autotrader,, Cargurus, Edmunds, and more. If you want other referrers added, contact us for a free addtion!
An amazing collection of tools from Hannah Rampton, an absolute genius in Looker/Data Studio, and an amazing SEO. If wanting to explore your SEO in Data Studio, check out her Dashboards!
A fantastic guide on how to split a csv inside Looker Studio. Very cool use of custom fields. Mehdi Oudjida shows expert level data manipulation here, letting you isolate single elements from a csv within Looker Studio.
A Simple diagnostic dashboard built to illustrate the impact the Apple IOS security changes had on Google Analytics Geo information. An example of how Looker Studio can quickly build out dashboards to quickly segment information.